“We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated.”
– Maya Angelou
AgileDad is proud to serve those who have served us and ALWAYS offer discounted rates to those who have served in any military branch.
With the help of amazing sponsors we have had the honor of holding a 100% free ScrumMaster and Product Owner sessions in 2019-2024. This FREE workshop takes place in November each year.
We do NOT offer free sessions at any other time during the year.
Military experience does easily translate over to Agile project management and AgileDad is so proud to be part of your transition!

"I have taken quite a few courses through AgileDad to date and I am looking for more to take. I have used many different instructor led training and I have to say, I have never experienced what I did. Lee's ability to capture the key point throughout his dialogue to ensure the entire audience is fully engaged. The manner the course is run, instructed, and energized, is truly a remarkable presentation where you learn, are respected, and given a voice, I would take every course they offer if I could. Without a doubt I HIGHLY recommend trying AgileDad out for one class... you won't regret it"
- Michael D, Tampa, FL, USMC