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Welcome to our blog focused on the Agile Scrum Methodology! Here, you can find valuable resources, insights, information on Agile methodology , Scrum training, as well as practical tips and tricks to help you implement and use the methodology in your own workplace. Let’s get started and learn what Agile Scrum is all about!

V. Lee Henson
Apr 29, 20192 min read
Agile - End Game... Achieving Organizational Agility 12-Steps
One question that I often get asked is what comes after Agile? Many feel like the ride is nearing its end while others are actually just...

V. Lee Henson CST
Feb 1, 20194 min read
Aren't We Already Agile Enough?
In many organizations, Agile is alive and well within many layers of the company. Change has become something to be expected and even...

V. Lee Henson CST
Jan 29, 20194 min read
The Death of a ScrumMaster
What happens when the ScrumMaster becomes so overzealous that their message is rejected? Over the past couple years, I have seen this...

V. Lee Henson CST
Jan 3, 20193 min read
To Agile and Beyond...
With companies that have either tried, currently using or are dabbling with Agile, the craze of the early 2000’s has easily become more main

V. Lee Henson CST
Dec 16, 20183 min read
Roles, Responsibilities and More Agile Fun
There are many trains of thought about being precise with the roles used within your Agile teams. The underlying principles are about making

V. Lee Henson CST
Aug 18, 20186 min read
Release Planning: Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow
To have a release you must have a start and end date, a set of work to be accomplished and a customer sign off. Why plan for this - reduce t

V. Lee Henson CST
Jul 11, 20184 min read
All about that Agile... no Treble
Why would a company want to invest in the Agile process? It has gone beyond the fad of the month and is becoming more mainstream in what is

Stephanie Lindstrom
Jun 5, 20182 min read
ScrumMaster DOs and 'Donuts'
The Scrum Master, the servant leader. The one who shepherds teams to become self organizing, efficient and effective. The core and soul to

Stephanie Lindstrom
May 31, 20183 min read
Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great
The retrospective is one of the single most important ceremonies to help agile teams improve. Facilitation methods vary but can help teams d

Ty Grigg
Apr 19, 20183 min read
AgileDad University: Writing Valuable User Stories
Writing an effective user story can be a lot of work. Is it really worth the extra effort? Isn’t it faster to just have the product owner

Ty Grigg
Apr 12, 20183 min read
AgileDad University - What are the three roles of Scrum?
AgileDad University takes a detailed look at scrum team roles. What are the three roles of Scrum? What are the distinct differences? What ar

V. Lee Henson CST
Apr 4, 20183 min read
Agile: It's about Common Sense
One by one companies utilize efforts to become more Agile in their approach. In so doing, I am met time and time again with companies across

V. Lee Henson CST
Mar 31, 20187 min read
Product Backlog: Avoiding the Dreaded Backlog Rot
We oftentimes have requests that are submitted through well-meaning stakeholders that fill up our backlog. When those requests come in, we

Ty Grigg
Mar 30, 20184 min read
Scrum - Accelerating Team Performance
When implementing Scrum into our workflow we don’t often think about the meaning of the word Scrum. Where did it come from? What does it

V. Lee Henson
Nov 23, 20172 min read
Attitude Of Gratitude
Agile has not only changed the way that the world approaches work, but it has changed me personally. On this US Thanksgiving holiday...
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